CNA Classes in Alaska – Schools, Salary, and License Info

CNA Classes in Alaska

Becoming a Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) in Alaska isn’t a complicated procedure.

In Alaska, the Board of Nursing maintains the CNA program.

Keep reading to find out more information about CNA programs, tests, salary, and other relevant aspects of the nursing profession.

Training Requirements

Aspiring nurse aides in Alaska must complete a CNA program approved the state, and apply for the final test.

Consider only official programs to qualify for the certifications.

You can find the list of approved programs online.

After you complete the training, you have two years to pass the exam and get a certificate.

Otherwise, you will have to attend the training again.

Usually, those without certificates are not allowed to work as nurse aides.

Still, those who are enrolled in the nursing assistant program, for example, in a nursing home, can earn the certificate.

The deadline to pass the exam, in this case, is four months.

However, there are also alternative pathways as well.

Candidates who have attended military nursing training in the past five years can take the exam without completing the official training program.

The same applies to candidates who have completed a year or more in the nursing school, but only if they were enrolled in both clinical training and theoretical education.

These candidates have the deadline of two years after they finish nursing school to apply for the certificate.

Candidates who hold a valid nursing license can also become CNA easily.

International nurses can qualify as well after they provide the documents in English and pass the language proficiency examination.

Final Test

In Alaska, you have to pass the NNAAP test – National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Examination.

The NNAAP test has two sections – the skills check and knowledge test.

You can take the knowledge test in a written format or audio format and pass ten reading comprehension tasks.

All learning materials including practice exams are available online.

Candidates have three attempts to pass the examination.

Those who are unsuccessful will be asked to take the training program from the beginning again.


The application is simple.

There are a few steps – fill in the application form, pay the fee, and attach valid photographs.

Also, you will have to submit the fingerprint card because candidates in Alaska are required to pass the criminal history background checks.

The total costs of the examination are $260 or $265.

The nurses who are registered in another state will have an additional step.

The Verification of Nurse Aide Certification will be sent to your initial state.


In Alaska, there are several accredited facilities that hold the CNA training free of charge.

Contact the facility for more information.

You can find the list of all free training in Alaska.

School NameAddress
Cordova Community Medical Center Ltc.Cordova, AK 99574
Denali CenterFairbanks, AK 99701
South Peninsula Hospital Ltc.Homer, AK 99603
Wildflower CourtJuneau, AK 99801
Ketchikan General Hospital Ltc.Ketchikan, AK 99901
Quyanna Care CenterNome, AK 99762
Petersburg Medical Center Ltc.Petersburg, AK 99833
Wrangell Medical Center Ltc.Wrangell, AK 99929


A CNA in Alaska, on average makes $35783 per year.

The numbers depend on several factors including location, education, experience, etc.

Annual Salary Range:
Annual Salary by Location:
LocationAvg. Annual Salary

Regional Salary in Alaska

RegionEmployedAvg. Annual SalaryAvg. Hourly PayTop 10% Annual SalaryBottom 10% Annual Salary
Anchorage, AK1,030$42,630$20.5$51,180$37,000
* Salary information based on the May 2022 Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Survey for Nursing Assistants, OCC Code 31-1131, BLS.
* Employment conditions in your area may vary.

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