What is the Job as an HIV/AIDS Certified RN Like?

The role of HIV/AIDs certified RNs includes plenty of different tasks perform from day to day, and education is one of the most significant.

HIV/AIDs certified RNs perform a variety of tasks in their everyday work. Because of the patient population they serve, education plays the most significant role in their job.

HIV nurse starts taking care of the patient after setting a diagnosis.

The first tasks include assessment of the HIV patient and identifying all risk factors based on the patient lifestyle or other health conditions.

Next, nurse educates patient about the disease process, discuss treatment, and all medication option, order lab work, and provide support and arrange counseling services if the patients need it.

HIV nurse takes care of their patient in long-term.

They can manage frequent lab testing to check CBS, chemistry panel, and viral load, test CD4 for insights on patient immunity and manage ongoing STD check.

Frequent lab results help nurses to identify the best steps in further patient care.

Nurses can also monitor patient behavior to identify any high-risk behavioral pattern which will lead to patient transmitting STD.

In that case, the nurse can provide education and counseling to help reduce high-risk behavior.

An important part of the HIV nurse is to monitor the patient’s response to medication and see what medication tolerance is.

For example, some HIV medications can cause liver issues on HIV patients, and the nurse must monitor the process to recognize symptoms of side-effects or adjust the medications.

Being diagnosed with HIV is a life-changing event, and a nurse monitors the psychosocial needs of the patient shortly after the diagnosis and during the treatment.

Some families benefit from ongoing counseling services that helps them accept the diagnosis and adjust their lifestyle.

HIV patients commonly experience all five grief stages – denial, anger, bargaining, sadness, and finally, acceptance.

During the process, patients need emotional support, and a nurse plays a crucial role at these moments.

HIV patients highly appreciate their nurses.

An HIV nurse is trained to serve specific patients, and he or she must be caring but direct and emotionally strong while performing daily tasks.

Because they care for the patients in the long-term, HIV nurses can develop a long-lasting and deep relationship with families and patients.

Because they can end up losing patients, an HIV nurse finds it very rewarding to see their patients living long and fulfilling lives despite HIV diagnosis.

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