DNP Vs. MP – Differences and Roles

There are so many abbreviations in medicine, and you can get confused easily.

To clarify that, let’s talk about the differences between DNP and MP.

First of all, DNP stands for Doctor in Nursing Practise.

A DNP is a nurse with high educational and professional experience background.

A DNP can specialize in one of the following fields of nursing and earn the title according to education:

  • Nurse Informaticist
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Nurse Anesthetist
  • Nurse-Midwife
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Nurse Executive

Earning a Doctorate in Nursing practice is one of the greatest educational awards in the nursing field, following the Ph.D. in Nursing.

Earning a Ph.D. in Nursing, on the other hand, has larger academic significance, while DNP is more focused on clinical aspects.

If a nurse gets DNP, it is proof that he or she is an expert in clinical care for the patient, including diagnosing health issues.

It also shows that a nurse is capable of proposing evidence-based medical solutions in the patient’s care.

On the other hand, MD stands for Medical doctor.

Often an MD is referred to as a physician.

While the differences between MD and DNP are obvious, you should be aware that their education difference also differs in important factors and approaches.

Nurses practice a holistic approach to the patient.

It means that nurses are focused on all aspects of patent wellbeing including mental, emotional, and physical aspects.

Nurses develop connections with the patient and seek their support to help them heal sooner and better.

On the other hand, physicians have a disease-based approach.

In short words, physicians treat only the disorder patient is facing at the moment.

They deal with the diagnostics tests and analysis to propose the best treatment plan.

However, in recent past physicians are more focusing on disorder prevent than ever before.

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One Comment
  1. Avatar for Richard E. Perry Richard E. Perry

    Didn’t fully explain the original statement. You explained DMP not MP.

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